Week 1: Got the timetable and it isn’t all that bad after a little tweaking . . .
6 hours spread across 1 and a half days isnt all that bad, in fact I could actually commute from home (165 miles away) on a weekly basis for less than the cost of my rent lol. Only had the one lecture this week, 2 hours for Neural Networks & Fuzzy Systems (NN/FS) with Ping Jiang in Richmond L22. It being an 11am start I figured I could make it without any problems however I only just made it in time :s woops….I did however fall asleep several times during the lecture so now I make a point of getting an early night before the lecture where possible, made more difficult by the fact I have ice hockey Monday nights 22:00 – 00:00 🙁
The FYP Information Session that had been scheduled for yesterday was postponed to a later date which is useful as nobody seems to have any idea what is going on lol. Also our FYP Supervisors have not been assigned yet liek they were supposed to be which just add’s to the stress.