Week 2: We only found out at the start of this week who our project supervisors would be, mine is going to be Dr. Attila Csenki, my lecturer for SDC/AI (Symbolic & Declarative Computing and Artificial Intelligence) last year. This is not great news as I found him most difficult to learn from him last year during lectures although much better 1-2-1 in a lab/tutorial environment.
After several emails to Andrea Cullen (Final Year Tutor) I arranged to meet up with her to discuss the supervisor/project problem. This had several outcomes, firstly she said that altough on an individual basis she may be able to change my supervisor she assured me Attila would make a good supervisor and to give it a go with him to which I reluctantly agreed. Secondly I had come up with an idea related to the final project in the neural networks module which is going to be handwriting recognition. This idea was that I could do the same but enlarge on the solution by making it recognise foreign handwriting also, using french as my example. Andrea liked the sound of this and pointed out that i could ask any member of the department for help not just my supervisor.
Apparently I was supposed to have agreed on my project choice with my supervisor by today however due to my inability to find anything I feel confident enough at doing I havent yet made this decision.