Semester 2 Week 1

Started all the new modules this week, on Monday/Tuesday had ‘Web Engineering’ (hence forth known as WE) which was a lot better than i expected and we spent most of it comparing and contrasting and which was novel lol. Then had the FYP chat on wednesday morning which was pretty useful but the future ones look pretty useful as theyre about the final year as well as the project itself.
Today had ‘Intelligent Robotics’ (hence forth known as IR) which was actually pretty awesome as we spent a good portion of it assembling a giant puzzle just so we had a track for the Lego NXT’s to go round for the project. Then we split off into our “discussion groups” and set about solving the task of which is a mail delivery robot which has to drive around roads and stop an deliver parcels to “houses” and then make it back to the post office.