This week have finished my DMC site an I am now in the usability testing and development phase of site creation, the documentation is due in next monday whilst the interviews are on the friday, yet another deadline for Friday 5th December 🙁 Now upto 3! I spoke to Dave about the phone issue and he has got Mat Overton to extend the loan until the 9th December now giving me long enough to warrant sticking my contacts and stuff on the phone although ill do a restore to factory settings before i return it, it is looking like its possible to use this for my project so i will get Csenki to sign my requisition form and get another ordered ASAP.
Next thing to do is to write up my usability testing and a bibliography and make a PPT for Friday next week as well as back up all my site info onto a CD and zip file for submission on Monday. I am not going to go to ice hockey training on Monday night due to the time needed to get everything done.