Game was cancelled thursday night which (sucked considering the effort the club put into organising it and how much I was looking forward to playing in it) ment I could finish my report just in time to hand in thank god! What a relief lol gona be some relaxing this weekend hoorah two whole days with NO WORK at all! Also got my DMC work in on Monday just in time and have the presentation tomorrow at 17:00 so after that I am completely 100% finished all my pre-xmas work! 😀 Very happy lol. Presentation for DMC went really well was more of an interview that anything else just wanted to see the website and let me talk him through it etc. I think it went well so will have to wait and see on a mark. I handed my report in on time to Csenki also so will see him this week on Friday 4PM to see what he thinks of it.
Basically this weekend I have done nothing however I said to Ping I’d hand in my NN/FS Assessed Lab by 9am monday morning and right now it is . . . 01:33 Monday morning and have yet to complete it so I intend to contact John later and get him to help me complete it and submit it. Next on the agenda after that is to go post office send all the junk I’ve sold on Amazon, isnt it funny selling junk other people bought me to make money to buy more junk for other people lol.
I have lectures 11:00-13:00 & 16:00 (NN/FS) – 18:00 (DMC) Tuesday and then a NN/FS Lab Wednesday 09:00-11:00 & work for the Informatics Open Day 12:00 – 16:00. Thursday I have no work other than NN/FS project and Xmas party! Friday I have meeting with Csenki at 16:00 and then NN/FS project work beforehand. Saturday I’m going home YAY!